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Madison Faith | Birth Journey

I met Chelsie through mutual friends, and I was there to help her announce this third pregnancy, and to shoot her gender reveal. We kept in touch through her whole pregnancy, and when the opportunity arose for me to begin birth photography again, she was one of the first people I emailed.

She was set to be induced Wednesday the 14th of March at 6am. I woke up early that morning, and put my boys on the bus. I sent her a quick text to discuss what was going on, and if she had been checked yet or not. For her things usually picked up around the 4cm mark. They came in and she was at a 3. Her OB planned on breaking her water after he got out of a C-Section. We decided it was best we didn't wait until she was a 5 just in case because of how fast her previous labors had been. ( the nurse had delivered her first two kids because the OB didn't make it to her in time if that gives you an idea of how fast her labors are )

I arrived at the hospital just shortly before her OB came in and broke her water and started her Pitocin. Once that was done, the waiting game began for little Madison to make her arrival....

Soon her contractions began to pick up, but all Chelsea seemed to feel for the most part was slight cramping. She was a total champ when it came to her pain tolerance, and I am totally awed by how well she handled every wave..

When they say a woman knows her body, SHE KNOWS. Soon her contractions were back to back, and she asked the nurse to check her again since she was feeling the urge to push. They paged her OB, and as the nurse went to check her, Chelsea had another wave of strong contractions, and Madison's head began to crown.

To be honest I've never seen an OB move so fast in any birth that I've been apart of. He was determined to deliver Chelsea's third baby! He rushed in, and just as he got his last glove on, Chelsea had one last strong push, and he caught little Madison Faith as she took her first breathe earthside, and boy did she let everyone in the hospital know it. That little girl has a set of lungs!

Once Madison was delivered and the OB gave the okay that she was breathing correctly and her color was good, the rest of the room just seemed to buzz with excitement. The nurses helped get Chelsea cleaned up, while other nurses took baby Madison to the warmer, and began all her usual checks.

I just love the way dad's are silent supporters during birth. Their whole body language changes, and even though this new little life is but minutes old, the very first thing they do is hold on to dad's finger, as he quietly reassures her that she was safe and protected.

This birth was the second fastest that I have attended, but has definitely become one of my most favorites that I have been a part of. Chelsea was absolutely amazing at knowing her body, and the way she wanted her babies birth to go. She was absolutely powerful through the whole experience. Once everything was Okayed with baby Madison, they handed her off for some skin to skin with her mama, and for new journey began. It is always an honor for me to be a part of such a special moment in a families life. I am always so grateful that my clients feel comfortable enough with me to allow me to document something so raw, natural, and beautiful as their child's birth.

Welcome to the world Madison Faith, and thank you to Chelsea and Kyle for letting me document an absolutely beautiful birth.

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